SALIENT 2025, 10 — 13 September | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Salient 2025


Confronting the Legacy of neo-colonialism

10 — 13 September, 2025 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Focus on Neo-Colonialism

In an increasingly multipolar world, with rising powers establishing themselves in the global order and challenging existing hegemonies, the dynamics of power are shifting and States are beginning to reevaluate their roles on the international stage. While some aim to reinforce their positions by revitalising their traditional alliances and strengthening their economies through strategic investments, others seek to expand their sphere of influence and forge new partnerships. Meanwhile, others still, find themselves on the periphery of international decision-making, navigating complex relationships to balance structural inequalities and dependencies with opportunities, in order to assert their agency vis-à-vis key actors.

In this context of waning multilateralism, the return of geopolitics and recourse to hard power, neocolonialism emerges as one of the most overlooked political phenomena on the international agenda.

Operating through indirect mechanisms that maintain global hierarchies and keep certain countries reliant on foreign powers through tools such as exploitative trade agreements, predatory lending practices, corporate dominance over natural resources, political leverage and cultural hegemony, neocolonialism lays at the centre of international politics. Therefore, confronting its legacy is essential for fostering equitable solutions to global problems that prioritise genuine cooperation over exploitation.

Join us at the 2025 edition of the Salient Conference, where we will aim to simulate these dynamics of the contemporary global order in three separate committees, each representing a key bloc in the politics surrounding neocolonialism, and focused on aligning their specific interests, priorities and strategies. On the last day of the conference, the barriers between the committees will dissolve, as all delegates convene in a joint General Assembly session, bring together diverse perspectives on the enduring structures of economic, political and cultural power imbalances, and pave the way towards rewriting a fairer, more sustainable and inclusive tomorrow.

What is in store for Salient 2025?

Open themes and topics

Firstly, till now we always introduced topics before opening applications for chairs. This year we will introduce only open themes, inside which later on chairs will be able to decide upon the exact topic in consultation with the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General. This also means that chairs will be asked to write study guides on their own, with help of the organizing team.

The exact topics will be released before the first wave of delegate applications.

Panels and lectures

Firstly, till now we always introduced topics before opening applications for chairs. This year we will introduce only open themes, inside which later on chairs will be able to decide upon the exact topic in consultation with the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General. This also means that chairs will be asked to write study guides on their own, with help of the organizing team.

The exact topics will be released before the first wave of delegate applications.

Joint sessions

As always, Salient 2025 will feature three committees, but with an exciting twist. The first half of the conference will focus on committee debates, where delegates will collaborate within their respective groups to align their perspectives, priorities, and strategies. This year’s committees are the Non-Aligned Movement, BRICS, and the G7. On the final day, all delegates will come together in a General Assembly to debate a broader, overarching topic that ties together the critical issues discussed in their committees. This year, Salient seeks to create an all-encompassing platform to address the complexities of neo-colonialism and its far-reaching implications. The discussions will bring together perspectives from three key groups: the G7, representing the architects of the current global order and its systemic inequalities; BRICS, which has recently emerged as a powerful alternative to the established framework; and the Non-Aligned countries, which are among the most directly affected by global inequities and exploitative systems.

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press committee

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The first committee of SALIENT is the Non-aligned Movement. NAM will be this year's beginners committee. 

Representing nearly two-thirds of UN member states and over half the world's population, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) stands as a critical global forum. Established during the Cold War to counterbalance global bi-polarization, NAM champions the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of nations resisting domination by major power blocs. In today’s increasingly multipolar world, NAM's mission remains profoundly relevant as countries grapple with the complexities of neo-colonialism—manifestations of economic, political, and cultural dominance by former colonial powers or emerging global actors.
Guided by the Bandung and Havana Declarations to combat “imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign domination,” this committee will critically examine neo-colonial practices, their impact on global equity, and pathways for sustainable sovereignty in the 21st century.

Committee difficulty:

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Our second committee is the BRICS which will serve as the intermediate committee.

The BRICS group, an intergovernmental organization uniting major emerging economies, serves as a platform for fostering economic cooperation, political dialogue, and development initiatives among its member states. Founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China, later joined by South Africa in 2010, BRICS has recently expanded with five new members, emerging as a key alternative to the established global order. In an era marked by instability, declining trust in international law, and a waning commitment to multilateralism, BRICS has become increasingly significant in global discussions, particularly on issues such as neocolonialism. With most of its members being former colonies—except Russia and China—BRICS stands as a testament to nations overcoming development challenges and transitioning into influential global players. This committee invites delegates to explore the pivotal role of BRICS in shaping a fairer and more inclusive international system in this new era of multipolarity.

Committee difficulty:

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Last but definitely not least, our expert committee for SALIENT 2025: G7

The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of some of the world’s largest advanced democracies, comprising the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Originally founded in the 1970s to address global economic challenges, the G7 has since expanded its scope to address a broader range of global challenges, including security, trade, climate change, and development. As the architects of the current global systems of governance and economic policy, the G7 holds significant influence. These structures often perpetuate disparities deeply rooted in colonial legacies. In this committee delegates will be challenged to balance power and inclusivity, propose solutions for global equity while leveraging the G7’s unique position. Through collaboration and strategic diplomacy, you will have the opportunity to reimagine the G7’s role in building a fairer and more sustainable world.

Committee difficulty:

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No Conference is complete without its Press Corps. „The SPOTLIGHT“ will be the eyes and ears of the Conference, connecting all committees.

Acting as the Conference's media arm, the Press Corps facilitates transparency, disseminates information, and shapes perception of committee efforts. Additionally, who better could take care of all the gossip and memes? As a journalist, led by your Editor-in-Chief, you will not represent a specific country and debate with other delegates about certain topics. You will observe committee proceedings and report the developments.

While this committee is suitable for any level, we do recommend not to join it should SALIENT 2025 be your first Conference.

SALIENT 2025  Secretary Generals

Lara Simonovski

Secretary General

Lara is originally from Slovenia but has lived abroad for 14 years. She first lived in the Netherlands and now resides in Belgium. She completed her Master of European Studies at KU Leuven and is currently pursuing an LLM in International and European Law with a focus on EU Constitutional law and the intersection of European criminal law and women's rights. Lara's MUN journey began in 2016 when she attended a conference in Munich with her school. Over the past eight years, she has been a Delegate, a Chair, a member of the TEIMUN Board of Directors, and the Deputy Secretary-General of KULMUN. This will be her third Salient Conference, which holds a special place in her heart due to the warm welcome she received, especially from the incredible Deputy Secretary-General, Titi. Outside of MUN, Lara enjoys reading, particularly fantasy mixed with literary fiction, and she has recently taken up salsa dancing.

Titi Habicht

Deputy Secretary General

Titi Habicht is a 22 years old student and comes from Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the beginning of her MUN journey, she was too shy to speak, but she gained experience as a delegate, a chair, and an organizer over the years. She feels honored to try something new - co-creating a conference with her dear friend, Lara. Titi usually engages in activities related to climate action and serves as the youth climate delegate of Slovenia. During her free time, she enjoys catching up with friends, raving, taking naps, or applying to MUN conferences. Salient holds a special place in Titi's heart, as it was her first opportunity to work together with Lara as chairs of UNOCT at Salient 2023, where they became friends. She is thrilled for their return to Salient 2025 as Secretaries General, stronger than ever, and feel grateful for the opportunity. Titi looks forward to seeing everyone at Salient.

Secretariat applications are open!


Questions?  Contact us

Do you have any questions about Salient 2025? We would be happy to answer all of them. Get in touch via email or social media.
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